Saturday, 25 April 2009

Stormy Weekend

Hey y'all

It's raining and lightninging and thundering outside my window right now, and I like it! I suppose I shouldn't be on my computer during this, but hey, I spent the money to get good surge protectors, so I'm putting them to use. Right now I would like to watch some television, but even with cable, there ain't shit on! Oh well.

Last night I went drinking at my soon-to-be-home, and today I didn't really want to come home, but as my cat still lives here, I felt I should. I was hoping that I would have some good mail too, instead of bills. However when i checked my mailbox, I found it empty. I don't mind not getting bills in there once in a while, but I always think it's really strange when there isn't even so much as some notification for a sale on something I would never buy anyway. Again, oh well. Last night was fun though. It mainly consisted of playing video games (Tony Hawk), drinking, and listening to lots and lots of music. As the night passed, and the morning hours began, I tried going out to the living room to grab some sleep before the sun came up (which it did, but wasn't at all visible today). Instead of finding an open couch, I found the current house mates both on it. The male half was sleeping along one side, and his girlfriend was occupying the wraparound section. So much for sleeping. I sat up and talked with Tif for a couple hours before heading into the basement (which was freezing!!!!!). It was odd playing the outside observer of them getting kicked out, so I can move in. But I got through it pretty well. Tif and I have gotten along fine as for as long as I've known her. She is also able to see where Brent is coming from, and isn't harboring any malice towards him. So that's good. The odd part was when she reached out to hold my hand. It was weird, as I've not held anybody's hand in such a long time. That, and that her boyfriend was sleeping (I think), not more than 3 feet away. For once though, I wasn't the one with the cold hand, and now I know how my last few girlfriends have felt when holding my hand in theirs. Sorry to any, or all of them who may read this, really, I am! Anyway, it didn't last all that long, but it was still odd. Not uncomfortable, just odd. Shortly after that I headed to the basement, alone. Anything more than a hand hold could very well lead to a bad situation. Take that, alcohol induced lack of self control! I kicked your ass out the door, and kept my wits about me! This morning, I woke up, and my body seems to have adjusted for the odd time of going to bed, and still only allowed me just under 6 hours of sleep. It was about 10:45 a.m., and I was amazed to hear that Brent was awake as well! His girlfriend was there as well, as per usual on the weekends. We resumed playing the same video game, and Stephanie actually took it upon herself to make us omelets and french toast (which was a bit of an egg overkill, but good none the less!). I don't know where this girl came from, but I can certainly tell why Brent likes her so much. After eating, we continued playing for a few more hours, and then I headed back here. I can't wait until I can call that house home, and not have to leave on the weekends. Okay, I can wait, and I will!

Okay, enough rambling, I'll let you all refocus your eyes now. I hope everybody had a good start to the weekend, and that good music and good food will follow you through, and into tomorrow, and the next day, and so on!

Peace out y'all!

1 comment:

eristar said...

Good morning!
And after that cheery beginning, I find myself with not much to day...I qwaited until this morning to read your latest post, even though you told me about it last night. Hope the continued rainy weather finds you still upbeat!
Happy Sunday!
LODIB - When just calling dibs is not enough...