Monday 13 April 2009

What a Weekend!

Hey Y'all!

I am back home in IL now, and none worse for the wear! It was a fabulous weekend indeed! I had a "Mom" moment while trying to grill up the stuffed pork chops on Saturday night, but they turned out quite well, so yay! And because of that, and my awesome family's wackiness, they got me from the bottom of my depression, right up to the happy end in only about 20 minutes! Good job Mom, Dad and Booger Brain! Then, on Sunday evening, we met up with a couple of old friends (old according to meeting, not so much of age), Nate and Kali, (thanks to having read my sister's blog before posting this I know how to spell her name, thanks BB!) at the Melting Pot. That was sooo damn good! We had no awkward silences, well at least no longer than it took for everybody to look at whoever just made an odd statement, and then for everybody to start laughing! There was a disappearing shrimp, that I think my sister may have accidentally transported to Denmark with her magic, and there was also a flaming desert... That's right, kinda like flaming cheese, but it was flaming chocolate instead, and holy sweet mother of sweet goodness, all I can say is WOW! (and start drooling all over again) I don't have much of a sweet tooth anymore, but holy moley was that some good stuff!

I'd like to take a moment here to once again congratulate my parents on their 34th anniversary, and wish my sister a happy 33rd birthday!

Today, before trekking back home, my Mom took me grocery shopping, so I'll be able to eat for a couple of days! Thanks again Mom!!! I was also able to make use of their washer and dryer, and got all of my clothes cleaned, all 5 loads (it would have been more like 8 loads in the machines in this apartment building)! And now I can see the floor in my bedroom again! Whoo hoo! So all in all it was a great weekend, and it was really nice to spend it with my family! I love my crazy family! Yes, we are all certifiably nuts! It's more fun (aka: funner) that way!

I was going to post about some other things going through my head in this post, but I think I'll just say this: I had a set of dreams last night (one that woke me up, and when I fell asleep again, it was more or less the same setting, and everyone involved was still in it, and they all knew what had happened in the first dream) that reminded me of how wonderful the sensation of having the warmth and laughter and love of a woman is. I miss it a lot, a whole lotta lot. Okay, enough said.

I hope everyone had as great of a weekend as I did, even if you didn't get a 3 day weekend like me! I hope everyone ate well at least once this weekend, and that laughter and good music filled at least a few hours in their weekends!

Peace out y'all!

P.S. I did get some pictures this weekend too, but I'm now feeling lazy, and don't feel like getting up to grab my camera, so I'll post them later! I know at least one of you wants to see them, but you'll just have to be patient!


Lisa said...

It was a WICKED fun weekend, and I also had a fantastic time! Yum, yum, and YUM to all the food we ate. And GO CUBS!!! Love you, U.B.

whismar: a whisper gone wrong.

eristar said...

So that basket full o' stuff will onkly last you a couple of days? How disappointing...
Seriously, it was a super fun weekend, and I'm so glad you could join us! Love you!
SPALIN...The biggest little spa in Lindenhurst...

Anonymous said...

im glad that you had an excellent weekend! its always fun seeing family.
