Tuesday 7 April 2009

Ah, Night 2 of the '09 Season

Hey y'all!

As some of you may know, the Cub's won their first game of the season last night, woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Soriano, in a spectacular fashion, hit the second pitch of the game to left center field at the Astro Dome, oh right the orange juice park... for a HOMERUN!, which is not that easy to do! And not long after that, Ramirez crushed one to left field for another HOMERUN! Yeah baby! GO CUBS GO!!!

Okay, I'm not a sports reporter, and I won't pretend to be, but I am a Cub's fan through and through! There was a time wayyyyyyyyyyyy back when, when I was nothing but a small child (even though I was taller than all my class mates/enemies back then, as I am today), that I was just a baseball fan. I did like both the Chicago teams. However, in 4th grade I got 2 tickets for a game on the south side, for perfect attendance and good grades and stuff. But back then, the south side was a bit scarier than it is today, and my Dad didn't want to leave his car unattended for a few hours. I can't blame him for that. But what that ultimately led to, was dropping the southside team, and rooting for no team but the Cubbies! And the Bulls, but it's baseball season, so it's the Cub's baby! (I know the other b-ball season isn't quite over yet, but come on, the Cub's are playing!)

Enough on that, as the game is on right now, and while I was posting about them, they went down in order in the top of the first, so I won't curse it anymore.

So I talked with another old friend I hadn't talked with in years today on FB, Amy. She asked if I still lived in Boxwood. HA, hell no! I may be struggling a bit here in "Liberty"ville, but I will never wish I was back in that hood. It may have taught me some lessons in life I may not have learned otherwise, and for that I am thankful, but I won't be going back to that kinda hood if I can at all avoid it! It was cool talking with Amy though, and I would give her a proper shout out, but she knows not about my blog, so I won't!

Work was crazy this morning. It took me an hour to fill just one of the school orders we got yesterday. It was huge! But amazingly, everything showed up, so I didn't have to mark out anything on it! That is quite amazing, as it was a $1,200+ order. I think that particular school spent everything they had left in their supply budget on that one order. You see, for that district, if they don't spend the budget by the end of the year, any money left over just disappears, and doesn't get rolled over to the next year's budget. Whacky as that may be, that's the way it is.

Anyway, enough about work.

I've been eating eggs for dinner this week, and tonight I want hard boiled eggs, but I'm still not entirely sure how to make them. How odd is that? I have a basic idea, but still. I know that's not quite a meal, but as I'm not really that hungry tonight, and I want hard boiled eggs, I see no problem with it...and neither should you! So there! On the topic of food, I am now afraid that I will totally dry out the pork chops I'll be grilling on Saturday. I fear this because I haven't had the opportunity to cook ANYTHING AT ALL on a grill in years, and that is really depressing for me :( But I will try my best not to dry them out, really really really try my best! Until then, eggs it is. I can do eggs (on the stove top, not so much on the grill).

Okay, enough is enough. Oh, and I've run out of things to post about (not really, but let's pretend that I have, okay?). I hope you've all had a good Tuesday, and that you've all heard at least one good song today, laughed once today, and had something tasty to eat today as well!

Peace out y'all!


eristar said...

I had a couple of slices of hard boiled eggs on the chef salad I rodered for dinner while working at the polls last night, which was a real disappointment on the whole - huge hunks of ham, too much cheese, but 3 paper thin slices of egg, one see-through bit of cucumber, one slice of green pepper, a couple of cherry tomatoes, and about a ton of iceberg lettuce. Oh, well...
RESTRE - no clue. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

this blog entry made me crave a hard boiled egg. so i went and got one. it was scrumptious.


Lisa said...

I ate an egg salad sandwich for lunch and it was yummy. Hooray for the many uses of hard boiled eggs! As for how to make them, the internet is a beautiful thing.

Cubs rule!!! I'm a Cubs fan through and through. I love my Cubbies! No fair weather fans here. I will love the Cubs no matter what. GO CUBS!!!!

qualug: the way you get someone on qualudes to move.